♥ Nuffnang ♥

Friday, January 1, 2010

batu fringgi perform


today 3++p.m. reach studio pratice awhile then 4++p.m. sit ice's car go penang TARBUSH BATU FRINGGI there performances...cause there open a beach party and invited we go perform...huhu~
-before go-ing snap some pic-

in the studio

6++p.m. reach there...before perform we go beach first ... i like beach...huhu~
-some picha-

i love beach

me and BB



8++p.m. ka start ==" alamak@@ so hungry+lame...

wao~ so many ppl see =="

after thats we go eat guang hua tom yam mee...long time din eat le...yummy~
then ice fecth me back home le...thx~


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