♥ Nuffnang ♥

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

performance tamat jor...
our face in newspaper...huhu~yapi^^光华 光明 星洲 中国 东方 南洋 都有我们的脸...哈哈 开心==
31/12也是跳这个舞 要加入吗?在100% dance studio 不用钱 免费的 在邀着人 谁都可以 有3万人去表演 有兴趣的话跟我拿表格 多的是 我们可以教你们料带你们去表演 有胆的就来 哈哈==

5++a.m. tiok wake up le...walao...so tired cause 4++a.m. sleep...haha==wanna make up ko...7++a.m. jerrie daddy cum fetch me le...so fast...huhu~then go studio help jerrie make up...7:30a.m. start enjing go le...


sit car ferry go...we go gurney hotel performance...syoik~

take pic first^^

before performance...


after performance...

walao...so many 记者cum lo...一直拍拍拍的==爽...难得 哈哈
我最抢镜的 因为站前面的关系 呼呼~~XD

wan balik le...go gurney^^

we go shusi king eat^^

sendiri ki xiao== XD

then we go shopping lo...huhu~~

i got buy this singlet...haha==

then we go mcdonald eat...got twister fries lo...yummy...haha^^
after eat me BB jerrie and danny tiok go time square shopping awhile...huhu~syoik

in danny car...

me sit front leave BB in behind...so wu shei HAHA...sorry^^

reach time square lo...

wan to marry me?XD

ki xiao==XD

BB go nice days buy thing for me...i'm very suka lo...haha^^dun wan show==lalala~~

then we go sweesens...

after jerrie sendiri back le...me follow BB them balik lo...
haha me sleep in car so long...traffic jam gua...XD==
then we back studio...very tired lo...

at studio...huhu

i back early...cause my lovely daddy 回来了...呼呼 有钱拿了 XD
然后又跟daddy去吃ho liao...(一整天都在吃)
料又去econsave帮mami买东西 哈哈 syoik...lalala~~
then back home le...yapi^^
can sleep le...XD


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