♥ Nuffnang ♥

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas eve


celebrate our christmas eve...uhu~
3++p.m. anna's osama cum my home fetch us go his sis de shop Gweneal Beauty Care Centre there make up...huhu~
-take some picha-

ms.anna and ms. ewen


sweet couple

after thats BB cum fetch me go his house wait he prepair...so long~XD

ti set tiao ta mo =="

BB and me

8++p.m. usual them cum BB home... 9++p.m. go auto city...before we planed go penang de...bo bian cause late le so go auto city countdown...but so syoik^^huhu~
reach there anna and osama go shusi king...BB me usual and ah yao go boston there eat...XD
-some picha-

ms.ewen love mr.spring

after eat...we go countdown lo~woo...

"3 2 1"

then we go clubbing-dream...saw tiok xueying them...then we dance togerther...huhu~so high...woo~i like it^^

in the dream

we high until 3++a.m. then back home le...woo~syoik...
i love clubbing^^
reach home still snap picha...

-wait lo update little saja-

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